
Track record of 34 years

  • Assisted more than 915 projects till 31.03.2022
  • More than 26% of the room capacity in star category hotels, have been created with assistance from TFCI

Strong Business Proposition

  • Dominance in Niche Segment
  • Ability to add value through advisory – Fee income potential
  • Pioneer in taking innovative projects like Palace on Wheels, Heritage Renovation projects, Entertainment Centres, Waterparks, Ropeways etc

Strong Financial Performance

  • Growth Capital in place with Tier I Ratio of over 53.8%
  • Underleveraged Balance sheet
  • Strong business pipeline

High Growth Potential

  • Diversified Product Offerings across Growth Sectors in India which has tremendous potential giving us enough opportunities to grow

Eminent Board of Directors and Experienced Management Team

  • Eminent Members on the Board with diverse experience
  • New Leadership Team with strong experience to drive growth