Our CSR Initiatives

Our CSR Philosophy

"We believe in charity and giving back to the society with focus on education, healthcare, sanitation, malnutrition, animal welfare and support to needy sportsperson."

Tourism Finance Corporation of India has set an exemplary standard in corporate social responsibility by touching various facets of society. From Skill Development and education to sports and sanitation, TFCI’s initiatives demonstrates commitment to making a meaningful and lasting impact on the communities we serve.

Focus Areas


In the sphere of education, TFCI has actively contributed to establishing Ekal Vidyalayas in rural villages which promotes the cause of education in remote areas. TFCI has financially supported girl students' education expenses. In an effort to bridge the digital divide in education, TFCI has provided tablet phones to economically disadvantaged students to facilitate their attendance at online classes.


TFCI has actively supported institutions in combating malnutrition which is a serious concern in India. To address this, TFCI has partnered with the Akshaya Patra Foundation, a non-profit trust under the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Together, they are operating the Midday Meal Scheme program, to ensure that school-going children receive nutritious meals daily, which is a significant step towards addressing hunger and malnutrition among students. TFCI's commitment to the well-being of underprivileged children extends to providing food and lodging.


TFCI has been instrumental in facilitating the mission of promoting sanitation and hygiene in the country. It has actively supported organizations like Ramkrishna Mission Trust and Sulabh International under their sanitation infrastructure programmes.


Supporting cancer patient, eye/health checkup camps and other projects for primary healthcare and installation of solar power plant in the hospitals. This programme has benefitted more than 2000 needy patients.

Animal Welfare Programme:

Setting up of a gas crematorium to provide dignified cremation to small animals and emergency vehicles for stray dogs and small animals for their medical needs and injuries in Delhi (NCR).

Sports Training Programme:

Another area where TFCI has left a substantial impact is in the realm of sports. They have identified emerging and aspiring sporting talents and partnered with leading sports NGO founded by eminent international athlete Dr. Sunita Godara (1992 Asian Marathon Gold medallist) to provide them with training and support. This initiative aims to prepare these talented individuals for national and international sporting events including the Olympics.

Skill Development Programmes:

TCFI has also done exemplary works in skills enhancement among the youths This includes organizing Skill Development Training for individuals in the House Keeping, Food & Beverages preparation, Front Office, Driving Vehicle. This effort aims to enhance the employability of individuals and contribute to their economic empowerment. These programmes enable them to acquire employable skills and improve their livelihoods and would contribute to the hospitality sector.
TFCI has established two computer skill centres in Delhi to ensure digital literacy and skill development in urban areas.

TFCI also contributes to Prime Minister's National Relief Fund and Prime Minister's CARE Fund.